龟山印象 |
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鲕粒灰岩Oolitic limestone
在龟山地质公园内常可见到一种似鱼籽一样的石头,俗称鱼籽石,地学上称之为鲕粒灰岩,它是石灰岩的一种。鲕粒灰岩形成于动荡的、碳酸钙过饱和状态的海水中,水的动荡使过饱和的碳酸钙围绕悬浮在海水中的碎屑颗粒沉淀,形成具有一圈圈同心纹包壳的鲕粒。当鲕粒质量超过水的浮力下沉后,与海水中的碳酸钙软泥混合胶结形成鲕粒灰岩。直径大于2毫米的,称之为豆粒,小于2毫米的称之为鲕粒。 It is common in the geopark that the stones like fish roe, one form of limestone, are called oolitic limestone in geoscience and known as fish roe stone. Oolitic limestone formed in the dynamic seawater in which the calcium carbonate supersaturated. The dynamic water made the supersaturated calcium carbonate deposit surrounding the clastic particles suspended in the sea and formed oolitic particles covered with concentric grains. When the mass of oolitic particle was more than the buoyance of water, the oolitic particle sank. Then it mixed the calcium carbonate ooze and formed oolitic limestone. The particles whose diameter over 2mm are called pisolite while the particles whose diameter less than 2mm are called oolitic particles. |